The automated filling of one pallet layer (up to 15 containers automised, where 3 can be filled simultanously) raises the output significantly, reduces operator stress for lifting heavy weights and optimizes your processes.
FÜLL – Simultanous Filling Unit – 03-2017 [314 KB, 2 Pages]
The gravimetric dispensing centers can be designed for dspensing into small and big dispensing batch containers.
FÜLL – FS2005.2 Dispensing System – 03-2017 [292 KB, 1 Page]
The VX5 dispensing system utilizes double-action piston-pumps for volumetric dispensing. If required, gravimetric control features are available. Optional designs for UV-curing liquids are also available.
FÜLL – Volumetric Dispensing System – 03-2017 [242 KB, 1 Page]
The FÜLL In-Can-Tinting System secures your leadership in readiness for delivery.
FÜLL – In-Can-Tinting – 03-2017 [276 KB, 1 Page]
The dispensing system works with mass-flow meters and allows for parallel dispensing and mixing e.g. directly in metal-IBCs.
FÜLL Dispensing and Mixing – 03-2017 [203 KB, 1 Page]
The laboratory dispensing system reaches highest precision in dispensing and allows the formulation development in smalles quantities for e.g. samples.
FÜLL – Laboratory Dispensing System – 03-2017 [325 KB, 1 Page]
The electric control cabinets will stand outside of hazardous Environments (e.g. ATEX-Area), best placed in a control room. Here we can plan the cabinet acc. to your grid sizen and other criteria.
FÜLL – Electric Control Cabinet – 03-2017 [203 KB, 1 Page]
You can connect pails, hobbocks, barrels, plastic-IBCs and metal-containers with the storage system of the FÜLL dispensing systems. Here we can also execute the storage with recirculation and mixing equipment.
Fixed storage Containers in a rack system are usually used for intermediates and storing other high-volume liquids. The rack system saves space in your production environment.
FÜLL – Stationary Containers – 03-2017 [331KB, 1 Page]
The FS 241 e Ex can be manufactured in different designs for pails, hobbocks, barrels or IBCs. Special designs are possible.
FÜLL – Single Post Agitator – 03-2017 [320 KB, 1 Page]
Agitators for fixed Installation will be manufactured with a flame arresotor in hazardous Environments (Inside Zone 0, Outside Zone 1).
FÜLL – Agitators for fixed Installation – 03-2017 [180 KB, 1 Page]
Agitators with fixtures and electric or pneumatic drive can be executed for pails, Barrels and IBCs.
FÜLL – Agitators with Fixture – 03-2017 [340 KB, 1 Page]
The dispensing system works with mass-flow meters and allows for parallel dispensing and mixing e.g. directly in metal-IBCs.
FÜLL Dispensing and Mixing – 03-2017 [203 KB, 1 Page]
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